EP-ACT Insight

Driving together, toward a greener tomorrow

May 2020 News & Events

What's New with EP-ACT

EPACT has been working behind the scenes since the start of the pandemic to keep our members and stakeholders up to date on the crisis’ impact to Pennsylvania business operations and its implications on clean transportation.  We are working on rearranging our schedule to accommodate the new normal and looking for different ways to connect with you:

  • We have been hosting our “working group” zoom meetings weekly and are brainstorming ideas for webinars and online demos    
  • Teaser alert...look for an email this week announcing our 2020 Award Winners!  
  • The annual TOSITA (The Only Smoke in the Air) barbeque may find a new home this year  
  • Plans are underway for a Drive Electric Pennsylvania event in Harrisburg in late September with possible additional ride and drives later in the fall on the table for discussion 
We continue to actively seek engagement and funding opportunities for clean transportation projects, so reach out if you've got news to share - we'd love to hear from you!  We have a variety of amazing partners and solutions that will help you and your project rise to the top.

EP-ACT Partnership Wins Grant to Help UPS Transition Tractors to Cleaner Fuels

EPACT and Virginia Clean Cities partnered with UPS to support the companies continued transition to cleaner transportation fuels.  The team received a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency for $1.84 million to work with United Parcel Service on getting cleaner tractor trailers. The new trucks will run on natural gas, or cleaner diesel, which will help cut NOx emissions by a projected 84% and particulate matter by 42%.  UPS matched the EPA grant with $8 million. EPACT’s Executive Director Tony Bandiero congratulates the project team and looks forward to helping UPS take the older Class 8 trucks off the roads across Pennsylvania.

EPA Diesel Emissions Reduction Act  

Open for Tribal Applications

VCC Plugstar EV Dealer Training Course

Virginia Clean Cities worked to bring the Plug In America Plugstar dealer training online. This training is available now for FREE through June 15.  The PlugStar EV Specialist Basic Course is the introductory training course aimed at familiarizing dealer sales staff with the unique aspects of EVs as a new product category. The course reviews the unique needs of EV customers and how best to convey information on topics spanning public incentives, charging, and optional equipment, so that sales staff can confidently and efficiently sell EVs. 

EPA Food Waste Funding Announcement

The EPA is working to accelerate the development of new or enhance/increase existing anaerobic food waste digestion capacity and infrastructure for projects from states, tribes, territories and non-profit organizations. The EPA anticipates awarding 10 to 40 cooperative agreements ranging from $50,000 - $300,000. Application deadline is July 14, 2020.  Additional information can be found at Grants.gov under EPA-OLEM-ORCR-20-02.

Region on the Rise: Covid 19 Impact on Transit

Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce Webinar

June 10, 2020 from 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Hear from SEPTA's General Manger, Leslie Richards, Federal Transit Administration Region 3 Administrator Terry Garcia-Crews, and discussion moderator Stephen Diehl, Transportation & Infrastructure Division, STV, Inc. on the impact of COVID-19 on our regional transit networks and how these agencies are working to accommodate travelers in the coming months.

2020 High Efficiency Truck User Forum

CalStart and US Army GVSC Webinar

June 18, 2020 from 1:00pm - 2:00pm (Eastern)

This session will include an overview of the HTUF program including a description of the 2020 program elements, a discussion about the future direction of the program, and information about commercial industry developments that relate to military vehicle advancements.

EERE: Natural Gas Vehicle Basics
Argonne: Charging for Medium & Heavy Duty EV's

Covid 19 Recovery Packages Affect on Climate Change

Office: 215-990-8200  Address: 1900 Market St. 8th Floor Philadelphia PA 19103
