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Nevi Funding Expands Ev Charging

Mon, April 04, 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous

The NEVI Bipartisan Infrastructure Law which was put into place on February 10, 2022,  establishes a National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program (NEVI) (this needs a date, like when did it pass?). This program will allow states to strategically deploy electric vehicle charging stations and establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability. Through the NEVI bill, states will have the ability to place EV charging stations in more locations, facilitating the ability to both own and charge more electric vehicles. The bill will also allow states to work in unison to communicate where the networked charging stations will be located and pass along usage numbers and rates for each charging station. With these statistics, knowledge on charging stations and EVs will increase and help to open and operate more charging stations in areas that need more representation. 

Pennsylvania was a state that received a generous amount of funding in accordance with the NEVI Program formula. The state was granted over $25 million dollars yearly for the next five years. With the funding, the plan is to try and disperse these charging stations along the interstate highway system to make the stations available to a majority of people. The NEVI bill is a huge step for electric vehicles, as they gain traction throughout the country. US Secretary of  Energy, Jennifer Granholm, thinks that the new bill will help Americans to realize the numerous benefits of electric vehicles as more are purchased yearly. Overall, the program is poised to lead to increased usage of electric vehicles and convenient locations to charge your EV.

Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Transportation

Serving Eastern & Central Pennsylvania
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