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Project Overview

We are working with the The City of Chester to assist in grant writing for the city's Zero-Emission Vehicle Conversion Initiative to be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. This project will give Chester the opportunity to try a technology that would normally be years down the road. Being an Act 47 municipality inside an Environmental Justice area, has caused many disadvantages over other municipalities, including the age and condition of fleet vehicles utilized everyday for routine municipal operations. This project will help project a new vision of environmental stewardship starting with Public Works vehicles which will eventually be the catalyst to convert the remaining vehicles to zero-emissions, within Chester's fleet.

For More Information on the Project, Click here

The Public Works Department had to go before the City Council and present the project and the estimated cost.  The City Council then must approve a resolution to appropriate the funds. These funds are to be used for operations and the remaining funds are to be used for public health and community growth projects.

If this project is selected by the DEP, the contract will be presented to the council again where they will appropriate the funding to proceed with the continuation of this project. 

This project will help our city in many ways, the environmental impact alone will help citizens understand what their community government is doing to help to clean the air they breathe. The new vehicles will be marked as emission-free, promoting health benefits from zero tail-pipe emissions. The commitment to community-members will begin with our first zero-emission vehicles and continue until all the vehicles in the fleet are emission free. This project will help advance Chester faster than ever imagined with all the benefits that go along with Zero Emission Vehicles.

Driving Together Toward a Green Tomorrow

Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Transportation

Central and Eastern Pennylvania
Tel:  215-990-8200 

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