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    • Wed, August 21, 2024
    • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • WPRC Autotech Center, 4731 Ludlow St. Philadelphia, PA 19139

    14th Annual TOSITA EV Workshop

    Join EP-ACT for our 14th annual "The Only Smoke in The Air" (TOSITA) event, where the only smoke in the air will be coming from our networking BBQ, AND NOT FROM THE TAILPIPES OF OUR DISPLAY VEHICLES!! Our educational session begins at 10:00 am-12:00 pm.   There will be presentations from Charging station vendors, OEM's, funding opportunities, EP-ACT projects and more. (AGENDA to follow)

    Then Join us for our Electric Vehicle Display, immediately following  the presentations. Everything from Class 1-8 and electric School buses while enjoying our renowned TOSITA Networking BBQ!!

Driving Together Toward a Green Tomorrow

Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Transportation

Central and Eastern Pennylvania
Tel:  215-990-8200 

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