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To substantially increase electric vehicle (EV) adoption rates across consumer and fleet markets in 14 states by creating a model that utilizes proven best practices for each individual state.

Priority Areas

The activities, outputs, and outcomes in the project are built on seven “Priority Areas” of focused work:

  1. Create and strengthen branded, statewide "Drive Electric" programs in each state, and build capacity into those programs through funded time
  2. Educate consumers by developing multiple, local EV "chapters" in all states
  3. Directly engage and educate all of our utilities and regulators
  4. Advance infrastructure in all states via statewide corridor, regional, and community EVSE planning, including a focus on limited-income communities
  5. Educate state and local government officials about EV policy best practices
  6. Engage dealerships & OEMS to develop state-based, preferred EV dealer programs including light-duty and medium/heavy-duty OEMs
  7. Significantly increase fleet EV adoption across many types of fleets and sizes of vehicles

Driving Together Toward a Green Tomorrow

Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Transportation

Central and Eastern Pennylvania
Tel:  215-990-8200 

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